Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab Tampa Florida
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Turning Point of Tampa

– Provides Detox, Drug and Alcohol Rehab, Eating Disorder and Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Call Now 813.882.3003

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United Healthcare | Tall Logo | Turning Point of Tampa

About Turning Point

At Turning Point of Tampa, we provide treatment services to those who suffer from addiction, eating disorders, and dual-diagnosis issues.

Since 1987, Turning Point of Tampa has been a family-owned facility focused on 12-Step oriented, quality care for men and women 18 years or older. Located on one campus, our programs feature highly-credentialed staff providing real structure, teaching clients how to practice 12-Step principles, in a licensed, residential setting where group counseling is the keystone.

At Turning Point of Tampa, our team members share a singular focus – dedication to our clients.

Levels of Care

At Turning Point of Tampa we offer a comprehensive continuum of care, including primary and extended care programs, intensive outpatient and weekly aftercare groups.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

We are Ready to Help, Call Now!

Turning Point of Tampa has helped thousands find recovery. As an in-network facility, we are able and committed to helping you find the life you deserve.

Our Services

Our program philosophy has been consistent for over 35 years. We started Turning Point of Tampa in 1987, believing that the daily application of a 12-Step program is the answer for alcoholics, addicts and those suffering from eating disorders.

Clients who come to our facility are those who need the structure and guidance of a 12-Step program, PLUS the addition of therapy, psychiatric evaluation and care, as well as other disciplines of treatment. We have never wavered from this belief and never compromised what we believe in for the sake of the next “best quick cure” in the industry.

If you are looking for a facility that adheres to what they believe in and applies those standards and ethics in their organizational culture and lives, then you should consider Turning Point of Tampa.

Veterans Addiction Assistance

Treatment for Veterans & Active Duty Service Members

US Department of Veterans Affairs Logo | Turning Point of Tampa
Veteran Ready Certified | Turning Point of Tampa
US Tricare | Turning Point of Tampa

Preferred Provider of The Community Care Network

Check out our blog for the latest updates and news!

What is an Eating Disorder? | Turning Point of Tampa

What Is An Eating Disorder?

This article explains the history of a diagnosed eating disorder, the founders who recognized this serious illness, and types of eating disorders. We will look

Bill Wilson | Turning Point of Tampa

Bill Wilson (William Griffith Wilson)

Because he is considered by many to be the original founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, William Griffith Wilson, was called, “the greatest social architect of the