Jennifer Flansburg | Staff Spotlight | Turning Point of Tampa

Staff Spotlight: Jennifer Flansburg

  1. What is your name & job title?

Jennifer Flansburg Client Coordinator

  1. How long have you worked at Turning Point of Tampa?

I have worked at TPOT for almost a year and a half.

  1. Please share about your own personal recovery journey.

I attended my first AA meeting a little over 4 and a half years ago and made the HUGE mistake of comparing myself to everyone else.  I did not look for similarities, only differences and as a result, I continued to drink and run my life into the ground.  A year and a half later, I found myself back in the rooms and was ready to identify, not compare. I was ready to surrender. I felt hope as I listened to people in the rooms, and I decided to be honest about my addiction and follow directions. I immediately got a sponsor and began to work the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Little by little, my world began to right itself. In November, I will celebrate three years of sobriety and all I feel is gratitude for the program of AA and the beautiful life it has given to me.

  1. What is your favorite part of working at Turning Point of Tampa?

My favorite part of working at Turning Point of Tampa is that I get to witness the  miracle of recovery each day. It is a privilege to be even a small part of the clients’ recovery journey.

  1. If you could share one thing with people and their families who are struggling with addiction or/mental health issues, what would that be?

If I could share one thing, I would say it is never too late to recover. You are worth it!  


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