Nikki Soda | Turning Point of Tampa

E33: Sidelined by Alcoholism, Slam-Dunking Recovery w/ Nikki Soda

E33: Sidelined by Alcoholism, Slam-Dunking Recovery w/ Nikki Soda

Today’s guest was an elite athlete from a middle-class family with no history of abuse. She grew up sheltered, but later learned that blackout drinking brought out a side of her that everyone around her relished. It was at this point that Nikki Soda started down a path to alcoholism.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism, Alcohol-induced blackouts can lead to impaired memory of events that transpired while intoxicated and because blackouts tend to occur at high Blood Alcohol Concentrations, they commonly stem from binge drinking. According to a 2019 study of 18-22 year-olds, 28% of the people in this age group who are not enrolled in college and 33% of full-time college students in this age group reported binge drinking behaviors.

In recognition of Alcohol Awareness Month, Nikki shares her experience with alcohol use as well as her path to recovery. Nikki gets to share the hope for recovery across the country in her work with the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) and in her pursuit of a Masters Degree in Addiction Policy and Practice at Georgetown University. In the 18 years since she went to treatment, Nikki has built a life that is beyond her wildest dreams and we are grateful to witness her transformation.

Episode Resources

Addiction Policy & Practice @ Georgetown University

Alcoholics Anonymous


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